Who we are ...
Translated by Marlène Picard (Mooghie)
As you will see from reading these pages, this site is francophone.
Over the coming months, we would like to offer English translations of texts on behavior, species, emergency, health, etc.
If you can read the French versions and would like to help translate (in good English) one or more of the texts for
the benefit of Anglophone parrot lovers, please contact (in French or English) Mr. Philippe Thibodeau.
What About CAJV?
The Johanne Vaillancourt Avian Centre (CAJV) is a private organization, established by Ms. Johanne Vaillancourt and Mr. Philippe Thibodeau, aimed at developing an understanding of parrots as a pet for the betterment of the parrots. Our dearest wish: to create a healthy and satisfactory environment, for both the bird and the humans that promote the establishment of a fair and respectful communication between the two.
After several years working with parrots and their humans, we are recognizing the pressing need of people for information. To live with one or more parrots should not be so complicated. Unfortunately, inexperience and lack of access to information contribute to the spread of what we call insidious. "bird legends!"
This way of improvisation in regard to the relationship with our parrots is often incompatible with the needs of this unique animal and may often lead our birds to the dark side of the force...
Parrots are intelligent social animals, of some remarkable flexibility, just waiting to be well integrated into a lifestyle yet so far from that of their ancestors.
This website is one of information, totally dedicated to the understanding of our so-called "domestic" parrots.
We use a holistic approach derived from the concept of "a healthy mind in a healthy body" and, to the extent possible, most subjects are treated in an ethological way.
Happy reading!
Johanne and Philippe
Johanne Vaillancourt
Philippe Thibodeau
Jean-Claude Beaudoin
Alain Bocquet
José Daigneault
Nathalie Lessard
Collaborators texts
Richard Beaudet
Christine Cadoux
Sylvie Castonguay
Geneviève Desrochers
Pierrette Gagné
M-Josée Hamel DMV
Carole Harvey
Nathalie Lachance
Natacha Lariviere
Isabelle Lavoie
Kym Le Cault
Rêve Noblet
Laurianne Paquette
Marie-Eve Perras
Marlène Picard
Marine Scié
Louise Tremblay
Manon Tremblay DMV
Le BBB (Big Birds Band)
The texts allow you to find the information you need on
parrots by Internet articles, books, DVDs, following the
teachings and approaches of Johanne Vaillancourt .
Copyrights remain the property of the authors of the texts and photos. Any reproduction, partial or complete, of the texts or photos on this site in any form or by any means whatsoever, is strictly prohibited without written permission from the author and/or Mr. Philippe Thibodeau, administrator of this site. You can send a request for reproduction of any of our texts (maximum 2 or 3) by applying to Mr. Philippe Thibodeau at cajv@perroquet-perroquets.com explaining the reasons for your request (school, CEGEP, Faculties, the internet, forum, etc.).
Text printing
The CAJV allows you to print the texts of this website for your personal and private use (home use).
You have permission to quote short passages of texts on your website, on forums or other media, provided that the citation does not exceed two paragraphs and in the manner generally accepted as by the laws of copyright, according to the Berne Convention (not whole entire texts or almost entire, copied/pasted ), that the author's name is clearly written and a link back to our site, http://www.parrot-parrots.com accompanies it. You do not have permission to reproduce the photos from our site on the Internet or elsewhere.
Privacy Notice
The CAJV does not share your personal information with others or traders. We use the information you provide us only for the purpose for which you have communicated it to us. We collect non-personal information such as the browser type, operating systems and webpages visited to help manage our website . We use cookies and other Web technologies to manage our website and our programs by email. We do not use these technologies to collect or store information about you .